General Questions:
Is my site really free?
How do I edit my site?
How do I add my logo to my site?
Fast way to add my logo?
Download and Install:
How do I download my site?
How do I install my site?
How do I add photos to my site?
How do I edit my photos in my XML file?
Fast way to add my photos?
Gallery: Text:
How do I edit my text in my XML file?


Don't see our question here "Email Us" your question to have it answered and added to the list.


How do I download my site?
You must first fill out a form with your email address on it. Next, a download link will be sent to your confirmed email address. Last, you can download one or all sites to try them out. To download the sites, click on the link and save the file to your desired location. Unzip the site to make your edits and install your site to your hosting company.
Is my site really free?
Yes, its free. You will never be asked for money to download. The most that is asked is a donation to keep the service free, but you DO NOT HAVE TO DONATE.
How do I install my site?
After you have downloaded your site. Unzip your files. Move your unzipped files to another desired location. Its recommend to make your edits to yours site then. After all edits have been made, move all files to your hosting site. For the sites to work, you must have a hosting site (ex. netfirms.com, godaddy.com). Once your site is installed your site should be ready to go.

How do I edit my site?
Your site was design to be edited by an XML file (located in your data folder). You do not need any special program to edit these files. You may use Notepad, WordPad, Dreamweaver, XML editor or any other text editing software. To edit your,

Photos: backgrounds.xml, Images are located at "images/bg"
Button Photos: btn.xml, Images are located at "images/btn"
logo: logo.xml, Images are located at "images/logo
Page Text: pageText.xml

How do I add photos to my site?
To edit all photos on our site you must do two things. You must edit backgrounds.xml and you must add your files to the correct folder ("images/bg")

How do I add my logo to my site?
To make your change, just add your new image to your the "images/logo" folder and edit an XML file(data/logo.xml). Right click on your XML file and choose open with Notepad (Use whatever text editing software you have).

Your content should look as the example below.

<image path="images/logo/oldImage_1.jpg"/>

To make your change, rename the end tag to match the name of your image.

<image path="images/logo/NewImage_1.jpg"/>

If you wish to add or remove photos just add new section or delete sections. Just forget to add or remove the images to your "images/logo" folder

<image path="images/logo/NewImage_1.jpg"/>
<image path="images/logo/NewImage_2.jpg"/>
<image path="images/logo/NewImage_3.jpg"/>

How do I edit my photos in my XML file?
To make your change, just add your new image to your the "images/bg" folder and edit an XML file(data/backgrounds.xml). Right click on your XML file and choose open with Notepad (Use whatever text editing software you have).

Your content should look as the example below.

<image path="images/bg/oldImage_1.jpg"/>
<image path="images/bg/oldImage_2.jpg"/>

To make your change, rename the end tag to match the name of your image.

<image path="images/bg/NewImage_1.jpg"/>
<image path="images/bg/oldImage_2.jpg"/>

If you wish to add or remove photos just add new section or delete sections. Just forget to add or remove the images to your "images/bg" folder

<image path="images/bg/NewImage_1.jpg"/>
<image path="images/bg/NewImage_2.jpg"/>
<image path="images/bg/NewImage_3.jpg"/>
<image path="images/bg/NewImage_4.jpg"/>

How do I edit my text in my XML file?
Its easy to edit an XML file. Right click on your XML file and choose open with Notepad(Use whatever text editing software you have).

Your content should look as the example below.

<headline>TITLE OF MY PAGE </headline>
<![CDATA[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget elit sit amet ipsum laoreet laoreet. Quisque accumsan neque sit amet felis. Aenean bibendum porta ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam accumsan aliquam arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue, sapien ac egestas ullamcorper, risus mauris sollicitudin ipsum, ac varius mauris ipsum in massa. In id justo. Aenean facilisis tristique nibh. Donec sit amet justo at tortor pharetra tincidunt. Nunc posuere, sem a cursus tincidunt, risus nisl mollis ipsum, eget tristique massa neque ac velit. Curabitur facilisis quam sit amet quam. Etiam suscipit massa sit amet pede.]]>

To make your changes to your title, retype only in the section highlighted below..

<headline>NEW TITLE </headline>
To make your changes to the body, retype your new paragraph only in the section highlighted below.

<headline>NEW TITLE </headline>
<![CDATA[New text that I just installed my self. I can edit all other section just like I did on the first page. I will able to add new text all the time and on my own.]]>

Fast way to add my logo?

View the specs on the size of logo , view the "info.txt" file.
Find the logo, which is located in the image folder (images/logo). The image should be called "logo.png".
If your logo is a different type of image and different size from the specs that are requimended, you must resave your image in other program and just resave your logo as a .png and rename the image "logo.png" and drop your logo into the folder and you should be done.

Fast way to add my photos ?

View the specs on the size of images , view the "info.txt" file.
Find the images, which is located in the image folder (images/bg). The image should be called something like "image_5.jpg".
All you need to do is make sure all images are the same size and type, rename all your file to the same name and replace all the files. You can not delete or add images this way, you can only replace. If you are going to add or delete images, view "How do I edit my photos in my XML file?"

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